Two Posters that Like, to Move it Move it.

Creating Motion by Simply Using Moving Textures.

In this project, I took on the challenge of capturing motion in a still poster. I was handed the freedom to pick a theme, and I chose the Fibonacci sequence. I played with a combo of subtle animations and a fusion of textures. Mathematics has always been a fundamental element in design, and the Fibonacci sequence is a well-established concept in this realm. My goal was to adopt this sequence in a grid layout—while not a novel idea globally, it was a new approach for me. I focused on how to effectively integrate this classic pattern within the structured format of a design grid.

For the follow-up, I decided to simplify. I put the animations aside, allowing the textures to command the full attention of the viewer. This decision was driven by a question: could these layers successfully add interesting motion to a poster. To my satisfaction, they did. The textures by themselves created enough motion to get an interest, illustrating the concept that simplicity can lead to amazing results. It was an exercise with a happy outcome.

Roc van Twente
Art & Culture
Motion Graphic Design