I'm the one and only Sem Makata.

Hi, I’m Sem Makata, a Dutch designer and a total nerd for typography and grids. I get super excited about typographic projects, but that doesn’t mean I can’t handle other design forms. When you work with me, you’ll find that I’m honest—I always have a clear opinion, and I’ll share it, but I’ll always do so respectfully. I’ve embraced the term ‘loud introvert,’ a dynamic that suits my personality well. While I enjoy quiet moments, I thrive in social settings, often with a touch of humor and my infectious laughter. If you’re looking for a designer who’s geeky about typography and grids, don’t hesitate to reach out—in English or Dutch. I’d love to collaborate.

My journey through self-education.

Books I have read.

  • Grid systems
  • Jan Tschichold and New Typography
  • Feck Perfuction
  • Start with why
  • The brand gap
  • Zag
  • The Seven Habits of Effective Leadership
  • The Psychology of Persuasion
  • This is marketing
  • The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
  • Klant Gerichtheid

Courses I followed.

  • The Futur: Typography 01
  • The Futur: Logo Design 01
  • The Futur: Stylescapes
  • The Futur: Lettering
A image of me smiling